Jauntering International
Corp. is one of companies in E&E Group, and Jauntering
International Corp. has involved in
meteorological & hydrological monitoring fields since 1986. Up to now,
International Corp.
has supplied and installed more than 4,000
complete sets of monitoring stations for agriculture, forest and environment.
Jauntering International Corp.
supplies complete set of meteorological and hydrological monitoring systems
, those are including meteorological sensors ¡V wind speed, wind direction
, temp., humidity, barometric pressure, solar radiation, albedometer, pyrgeometer
, net pyrgeometer, quantum sensor, net radiometer, UVA, UVB, Red/Far red
, evaporation gauge, leaf wetness, soil moisture, soil temp., leaf / surface temp.
, heat flux plate, rain gauge, visibility, and hydrological sensors ¡V pressure transducer for water level and ultrasonic sensor for water level or snow depth
, etc. Besides, for long term monitoring purposes
, the low power consumption and low cost data acquisition system series can be used for users' requirement at places where have or haven't AC power source on sites.